114 good samaritans participated this year
Bermaz Auto, the sole distributor of Mazda vehicles in Malaysia, hosted the 8th Mazda Charity Golf Tournament for the Mazda Medicare Fund (MMF). The MMF aims to provide humanitarian aid and medical relief to underprivileged people in Malaysia and has been actively supporting charitable communities for years now.
The MMF does so through charity events such as this tournament and this year, it was held at the Glenmarie Golf and Country Club in Shah Alam and received massive support with 114 participants in total. The Mazda event also raised RM509,183 from golfers, donors and sponsors and the proceeds will be distributed to the MMF.
Moreover, during the prize-giving luncheon, representatives from the various beneficiaries were invited on stage to receive mock cheques. The beneficiaries were from Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital (TKPKMM) in Penang, Pusat Jagaan Titian OKU Nur and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Perlindungan Jothi Viyasar Negeri Sembilan.
The MMF was established in 2015 and is jointly managed by Prima Merdu Sdn Bhd and in collaboration with B. Braun Avitum Renal Services. The latter of which provides life-saving hemodialysis treatment end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients with financial constraints and has 13 centres nationwide to help these patients.
On top of that, the MMF also supports a myriad of other charitable communities such as old folks’ homes, orphanages, people with disabilities and down syndrome children through financial aid and, of course, charity events such as this Mazda golf tournament.
Naturally, these charitable communities are meticulously vetted before being selected by the MMF to ensure all donations are put to good use. The MMF team in these charities are volunteers from within the Bermaz organization so no additional costs are ever needed in MMF operations.
Additionally, Mazda introduced the Mazda Privilege Card (MPC) in 2018 where applicant’s sign-up fees or RM100 will be used as a donation to the MMF. What’s more, Mazda owners will also be assisting the underprivileged while also enjoying a tax exemption from Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN).
Furthermore, MPC owners are also entitled to a 15 percent discount on Mazda genuine spare parts and official merchandise as well as a 5 percent discount on labour charges applicable at Mazda Showroom and Service Centres operated by Bermaz Motor and Prima Merdu only.
Bermaz Auto, and by extension, Mazda, believe that the best way to contribute to society is by partnering with the community as well as the MMF and by doing so, they are indeed making the world a better place, one person at a time.