
Published on October 14th, 2024 | by Sounder Rajen


BMW M Visionary Materials Seat Wins Awards, Another Reason Recaro Went Bankrupt

Car companies like BMW making their own seats means they rely less on Recaro

One key reason for Recaro’s bankruptcy is the shift among car brands toward designing and producing their own seating solutions. This trend has intensified competition and diminished the demand for third-party seat manufacturers like Recaro. A prime example of this movement is the BMW M Visionary Materials seat, which highlights advancements in sustainability and design.

The BMW M Visionary Materials seat has garnered attention for its innovative approach to promoting a circular economy within the automotive industry. It recently won the prestigious Altair Enlighten Award for its outstanding sustainability features, particularly in the “Sustainable Process” category. 

Moreover, this recognition underscores its role in reducing energy and raw material consumption while enhancing recycling rates. BMW M’s CEO, Franciscus van Meel, has emphasised the company’s commitment to merging high-performance driving with sustainability initiatives. Their focus on developing circular-economy products and exploring biogenic materials further showcases the automotive industry’s shift toward self-reliance in seat design.

Developed in collaboration with an international consortium, the Visionary Materials seat adheres to stringent sustainability standards and prioritises lightweight construction, reducing its carbon footprint by up to 90 percent. Notable features include the use of secondary raw materials, plant-based leather alternatives, and an unprecedented recycling rate.

On top of that, innovative design elements, such as the robotically-wound fibre composite structure, eliminate unnecessary support components, thereby lowering weight and improving stability. This technology allows for fewer individual parts and the use of lighter upholstery fabrics. 

By embracing a “Design for Circularity” philosophy, BMW M is not only reducing CO2 emissions but also setting a new standard for sustainable automotive manufacturing. Collaborations with leading companies like BMW Designworks and Bcomp Ltd. have been crucial to this project, ensuring that the Visionary Materials seat meets high standards of aesthetics and functionality. 

These developments demonstrate how automakers are taking control of seat design, leaving companies like Recaro at a disadvantage in a rapidly evolving market. As Falco Hollmann, Innovation Manager at BMW M GmbH, notes, the Visionary Materials seat exemplifies how current technologies can lead to reduced emissions and resource conservation. 

This focus on innovation and self-sufficiency in seat manufacturing is a significant factor contributing to Recaro’s decline in a competitive landscape. Well at the very least, we saw the gaming chair industry boom during the pandemic with brands like Recaro being the catalyst as their unsold car seats became the seats we know in our gaming chairs.

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