
Published on September 4th, 2024 | by Sounder Rajen


Caltex Fuel Your School Programme Flourishes In Johor, With Plans To Grow

Caltex is gearing up to fuel up all schools nationwide someday

Caltex Malaysia’s Caltex Fuel Your School social investment program has recently achieved notable success in Johor. Partnering with the MyKasih Foundation, the program has made a substantial impact on 15 underprivileged schools in Muar and Segamat. It aims to extend its reach to the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia.

The program addresses key community challenges by reinvigorating student interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), enhancing food security, and promoting sustainable agriculture. It also fosters the development of critical 21st-century skills, empowering future generations and strengthening local communities.

Moreover, schools such as SK Paya Jakas and SK Temiang were among the first to pilot the initiative. Other beneficiaries included SK Parit Pechah, SJK (C) Yu Eng, SK Kuala Paya, and SJK (T) Ladang Voules, among others. These schools received smart aquaponics systems, which allow students to engage in innovative agricultural practices. 

Each school was equipped with essential tools and seeds for growing crops and rearing fish in a symbiotic farming ecosystem. This setup included delivery, installation, and training to ensure effective implementation. The initial phase of the program has been successful, with 142 kilograms of vegetables harvested from 12 of the 15 participating schools in the first half of 2024. 

This fresh produce has also significantly supported school food programs, impacting 2,411 people indirectly, including students, teachers, and other school staff. Varieties grown included Hong Kong Choy Sum, Wong King Pak Choy, Ma Yee Pak Choy, and Okras, which matured in about six weeks.

On top of that, encouraged by these results, Caltex plans to expand the program to the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Dean Gilbert, Country Chairman of Caltex Malaysia, praised the program’s success in benefiting schools and inspiring students. He highlighted the sustainable impact of the smart aquaponics systems and expressed gratitude to the MyKasih Foundation and participating schools for their collaboration.

Puan Tuminah Binti Disun, Principal of SK Seri Menanti in Muar, lauded the program for providing students with hands-on STEM learning experiences. She noted that the aquaponics system has not only enhanced students’ understanding of food security but also promoted healthier eating habits. 

What’s more, Nor Hazlina Binti Hassan, Senior Assistant Teacher of SK Kampung Paya Besar in Segamat, observed that the initiative has increased student enthusiasm and provided additional resources for the school. Phase 2 of the Caltex Fuel Your School program will continue to support schools on the East Coast, further promoting community involvement and educational enrichment. 

This expansion represents a significant step towards a more sustainable and education-focused future for Malaysian communities.

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