Cars Singapore

Published on July 31st, 2024 | by Sounder Rajen


Singapore Registered Driver Drives Away From JB Petrol Station Without Paying

Why do people still do things like this here in Malaysia but not in Singapore?

Mere days ago on 29 July 2024, an incident involving a Singapore-registered vehicle drew widespread attention when the driver drove off without paying for his petrol at a petrol station in Johor. The incident was documented in a viral Facebook post by a good samaritan who goes by the moniker Eddie Koh.


According to the post, the driver of a red Toyota Harrier had stopped to refuel at a petrol station located near the 2nd Link, which connects Malaysia and Singapore. After filling up the tank, the driver quickly accelerated and drove off without paying. Despite the best efforts of two employees who chased after the vehicle, they were unable to catch up and the driver got away.

Moreover, Eddie Koh expressed his frustration and disappointment with the situation, noting how the driver took advantage of the trust extended by the petrol station staff. The employees had allowed the driver to refuel without paying first, a gesture of trust, and how did he thank them? By betraying that trust. 


Eddie took to social media to criticise the driver’s actions, stating, “I don’t know if you have Alzheimers or if you’re just forgetful. The staff were running after you and crying, trying to tell you to stop the car.” Eddie was present at the scene and even attempted to chase the driver himself, but his efforts were also in vain. 

“I tried to go after you and signalled you to stop, but you simply ignored me,” he added. Eddie even provided a description of the driver in his post, which could aid both the public and law enforcement in identifying him. According to Eddie, the driver was a Chinese man in his 60s or 70s with grey hair. 

Emission Regulations

On top of that, Eddie further expressed concern that the driver’s actions might have financial repercussions for the gas station employees, potentially affecting their wages. As of 30 July 2024, the Chief Police of the Iskandar Puteri district in Johor Bahru stated that the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) had not yet received an official report concerning the incident. 

We here at DSF hope the man is caught and faces the appropriate legal repercussions and want to remind all our readers to never behave this way. 

2020 Toyota Harrier XU80 front

We got all this from World of Buzz and their full article is linked here. Thank you World of Buzz for the information and images.

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