Automotive GAIKINDO

Published on July 24th, 2024 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez


Highlights From The 31st GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show 2024

31st GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show 2024

We did not attend the 31st GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show 2024 but our friend ‘Ian Sia’ was at the show and he shared these images with us.

This yearly auto show was again hosted at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City, Kab. Tangerang, from July 18th and it continues until this weekend the 28th July 2024. You still have time to catch a flight and take in this auto show.

Chinese manufacturers took the limelight as they did last year and will continue to do so in coming years with the increasing number of right hand drive models being produced and shipped to ASEAN nations which is the fastest growing car market globally, including electric cars.

Some vehicles to take note. The Chery sub-brand i-Car (pictured below)

and the large and very well equipped SERES 9 luxury SUV (pictured below)

then you have the MG Cybersteer (pictured below).

The GREAT WALL MOTOR Tank 500 also made an appearance (pictured below)

and took a lot of attention like AION Y Plus gullwing supercar (picture below).

So, with the above models and brands on display in Indonesia, it is clear that these will also make an appearance in Malaysia. Probably at the upcoming KLIMS 2024 in December.

We will share more information closer to date.

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