Automotive EV

Published on July 2nd, 2024 | by Sounder Rajen


DBKL Announces EVCB Fees, Will Local Authorities Oversee EVCB Deployment?

Hopefully DBKL does not allow local authorities to oversee EVCB deployment though

DBKL recently announced fees to implement electric vehicle (EV) Charging Bays (EVCB) in their jurisdiction. This development has sparked discussions among stakeholders and the public alike, with concerns raised about the potential implications for future EV infrastructure expansion. What comes next?


The introduction of fees for EV Charging Bays marks a significant step in the evolution of urban mobility infrastructure. As EVs become more prevalent, local authorities are grappling with the challenge of facilitating their widespread adoption while ensuring sustainable funding for infrastructure development. 

Moreover, DBKL’s decision to impose fees reflects a broader trend where municipalities are seeking to recover costs associated with installing and maintaining EV charging facilities. However, hopefully this does not start a trend where local authorities will see the deployment of EV Charging infrastructure.

While the move by DBKL may be seen as a thrifty way to manage city resources, some are worried that it could set a precedent for other local authorities to follow suit, thus making fees a normal part of charging. This could potentially put off private investment in EV infrastructure or slow down the rollout of charging networks, tanking our economy.

On top of that, the timing of DBKL’s fee implementation raises questions about its impact on Malaysia’s broader efforts to promote sustainable transportation. As the country aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition towards cleaner energy sources, a robust and accessible charging infrastructure is essential. 


Any barriers to expanding this infrastructure could undermine these goals and hinder progress towards a more sustainable future. On the other hand, proponents of DBKL’s decision argue that implementing fees is necessary to ensure the financial viability of EV charging infrastructure in the long term. 

What’s more, the debate over EV charging fees also intersects with broader discussions about equity and accessibility. If fees are too high or not properly managed, they could make existing problems worse in access to clean transportation options, disproportionately affecting marginalised communities.


DBKL’s recent decision to introduce fees for EV Charging Bays underscores the evolving landscape of urban mobility and sustainable development. While it aims to address funding challenges, the move has sparked concerns about its potential impact on future infrastructure expansion and accessibility. 

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