Automotive Cycle & Carriage

Published on July 31st, 2024 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez


Cycle & Carriage Is Back With Peugeot After Almost 2 Decades

This week Cycle & Carriage officially starts selling Peugeot vehicles again

The last Peugeot vehicle launched by Cycle & Carriage Automobiles Sdn Bhd was in back in 2005 when they introduced a stylish stationwagon called the Evente. At the time Cycle & Carriage was the sole distributor of Peugeot cars in Malaysia and this was just before Nasim took over the distributorship of Peugeot in Malaysia.

At the time Cycle & Carriage introduced another variant of the popular Peugeot 407 sedan and it was called the Peugeot 407 Evente.

Cycle & Carriage

At the year 2005 launch, the Managing Director of Cycle & Carriage Bintang Berhad, Steven Forster remarked, “The Evente name arose from our realisation that the creation fits all occasions; be it executive duties or recreational activities without having to compromise on the styling, and sets it apart from all others”.

The launch price of the Peugeot 407 Evente was a princely RM176k and now some 19 years later you can buy a high specification Peugeot 408 GT for just RM196k.

Cycle & Carriage

So, very soon you can test drive and take ownership of a brand new Peugeot 407 or the popular SUV range which consists of the 2008, 3008 or 4008 at Cycle & Carriage showrooms nationwide.

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