Automotive Ferrari

Published on June 20th, 2024 | by Sounder Rajen


New Ferrari EV May Cost Over USD500,000

Will anyone even buy this new Ferrari EV when EV tax exemptions are gone?

In the heart of Maranello, amidst the hallowed grounds where Ferrari’s legacy of speed and style was forged, whispers abound about the Prancing Horse’s latest innovation, an electric vehicle (EV). This heralds a monumental shift for the renowned Italian marque, stepping away from the thunderous roar of combustion engines to embracing the quiet power of electric motors.


Little is known about this groundbreaking machine, shrouding it in an air of intrigue rarely seen from Ferrari. Scheduled for release in late 2025, the Ferrari EV will emerge from a new factory nestled in Maranello, its birthplace and spiritual home. 

Moreover, reports from insiders suggest a starting price of at least €500,000, approximately $537,000 or about RM2,521,188, but with variations due to regional taxes and optional extras that adorn nearly every Ferrari.

The price point aligns it closely with the esteemed SF90 Stradale, showcasing Ferrari’s commitment to positioning its electric debut at the apex of automotive excellence. Despite concerns over diluting the brand’s exclusivity with another new model alongside the upcoming Purosangue SUV, the brand plans a modest production cap of 20,000 vehicles annually initially.

Demand for Ferrari’s offerings has also soared, with 2023 seeing sales climb to 13,663 units, propelled by unprecedented orders that have already filled the production quotas for 2025. Prospective owners eagerly await delivery, sometimes spanning years to secure their prized possession. 

Ferrari F40

On top of that, strategic decisions like limiting the Purosangue SUV’s production to 20 percent of total output aim to preserve the brand’s identity amidst an evolving market. The allure of increased production capacity, enabled by a forthcoming new facility, promises not only to bolster availability but also to introduce a hypercar set to redefine automotive benchmarks.

Amidst the anticipation, the brand assures enthusiasts that the EV will retain the essence of a true Ferrari, promising an “authentic sound” and embodying the performance and passion synonymous with the brand. Initial projections anticipate the EV comprising approximately five percent of the brand’s total sales by 2026.

What’s more as Maranello prepares to unveil its first electric prancing horse, the world watches with bated breath, eager to witness Ferrari’s latest chapter in innovation and performance. The transition to electric power is not just a leap forward in technology but a defining moment in Ferrari’s storied history.

We got all this from Motor 1 and their full article is linked here. Thank you Motor 1 for the information and images.

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