Indonesian Electric Vehicle Public Charging Station (SPKLU)
To support the use of electric vehicles in Indonesia, the Indonesian government, through the State Electricity Company (PLN) has built more than 150 SPKLUs (and counting) throughout Indonesia.
The goal is to make it easier for electric vehicle owners to recharge their batteries and this is exactly what is being done right now in Malaysia by Tenaga Nasional (TNB) and Petronas with GENTARI.
The government is currently encouraging the development of electric vehicles. So that people are interested in switching from conventional vehicles to electric vehicles, the government has issued several policies that are beneficial for electric vehicle owners. One example is the regulation to give free motor vehicle tax fees for electric vehicles.

Meanwhile it is important to have more than adequate electric vehicle charging stations around the country to encourage inter state travel with an EV.
SPKLU stands for Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (Re: Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station). As the name suggests, the PLN SPKLU functions to recharge the battery of electric vehicles that can be used by all Indonesian people who have electric vehicles to support their mobility.
SPKLU provides several plug sockets that can be adapted to the needs of electric vehicles. In Indonesia, electric vehicles generally have three types of electrical plug sockets, including AC charging, DC charging CHAdeMo and DC charging Combo type CCS2.
It takes 30-90 minutes to charge an electric vehicle battery at SPKLU on average until the battery is full. The length of this recharging time depends on the battery capacity and the type of electric vehicle used.

Difference between SPKLU and SPLU
In general, SPKLU and SPLU have the same function, which is both used for charging. Both were also built by the State Electricity Company (PLN) to encourage the development of electric vehicles.
SPLU stands for Stasiun Pengisian Listrik Umum (Re: General Electric Charging Station). The SPLU consists of four models, namely standing/tower, hang/wall mount, hook/pole mount and stall/pedestal. The average SPLU has a power between 5.5 kva to 22 kva. SPLU is usually used to charge batteries in electric motors.
As for the SPKLU in Indonesia, it has a power of 22 kW to 150 kw. The power is adjusted to its use which is specifically for electric vehicles. SPKLU locations are also in locations based on market needs, such as malls, PLN offices, parking lots, and government offices.

SPLU and SPKLU are both charging stations for electric vehicle batteries. However, SPLU can be used for many needs, from charging motorcycle batteries to the needs of street vendors. In comparison, the SPKLU is devoted to charging electric vehicle batteries.
To encourage the growth of electric vehicles in Indonesia, PLN has built more than 150 electric vehicle charging stations spread throughout Indonesia.
For the Malaysian electric vehicle buyer and owner, the future of vehicle battery charging is dominated by two government-linked companies – Petronas (GENTARI) and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).