From Civics To Myvis, the Malaysian Royal police cars are reliable and with good resale value

Throughout the years, the Malaysian Royal Police Force (PDRM) have used all sorts of cars for various purposes but now have opted to use the one car that is unmatched on the roads here in Malaysia, I am of course referring to the king of Malaysian roads, the Perodua Myvi. I think PDRM will have a very hard time one-upping this.
There are many reasons as to why the Perodua Myvi is one of the best police cars for urban use but chief among them would be that this is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) project on Perodua’s part. Projects like this are always good since they show us that the companies we support are giving back to the community.
Perodua has supplied these pre-facelift Perodua Myvi AV cars as patrol cars for PDRM and they are all fitted with police decals, strobe lights and a siren system.

While this does not include all the states in Malaysia, this is only the beginning and I am fairly certain we will be seeing more police Myvis on the road in the near future.
Now while the police still have other vehicles for high-speed pursuits, VIP escorts and so on, the Perodua Myvi is the best car for urban policing and city patrolling because it is easy to maintain, fuel efficient and people will tend to make way for it on the roads due to its status as the “king” on our roads.

Not to mention, the Myvi just makes sense with traffic and lack of parking especially in cities like Kuala Lumpur. Of course, some are going to see this as a “troll move” as we gamers like to call it, I can already hear some people reading this going “Walao, the Myvi already road bully, now Myvi drivers going to be even worse la.”
While the possibility of that happening is very real, another very real possibility is also that many Myvi drivers in Malaysia will see this as their beloved king being even more celebrated and will opt to be more mindful and drive in a more regal fashion. Remember Malaysia, the glass should always be half full, let’s start thinking that way.
Either way, kudos to Perodua and PDRM, the king of Malaysian roads will now become an even more fearsome sight to behold but in a good way. So always remember to obey the traffic laws and drive safely to make Malaysia safer and better.

I sincerely hope to see more CSR initiatives from both Proton and Perodua like this as it would really make me as a Malaysian car enthusiast very proud of our homegrown heroes.