We’ll be sticking to RON95 petrol thank you very much.
The Malaysian Ministry Of Finance has announced the price of petrol and diesel products for this week and there’s good news and bad news.

The good news is that us plebs using regular cars can continue paying just RM2.05 per litre for our RON95 fuel. It’s also good to know that the nation’s many truck drivers and logistics companies can continue to use diesel at RM2.15 per litre. This will probably help with inflation somewhat, but there are more than fuel costs to consider.

The bad news is that if you’re someone with a high-performance car, you’re going to have to pay RM4.31 PER LITRE of fuel because RON97 now costs that much in Malaysia. That’s right, the premium fuel grade is up by 37 sen to its highest point in history.

Many modern car engines can adapt to lower RON ratings like 95, but if your vehicle’s engine specifically needs RON97 or higher, you should probably continue to pay a premium and perhaps use your second or third car with RON95 more often.
Here’s MOF’s announcement in the original Bahasa Malaysia.
Berdasarkan penetapan harga runcit produk petroleum secara mingguan menggunakan formula Automatic Pricing Mechanism, harga runcit product petroleum bagi tempoh 12 Mei 2022 hingga 18 Mei 2022 adalah ditetapkan seperti berikut:
(i) harga runcit petrol RON97 naik sebanyak 37 sen seliter iaitu daripada RM3.94 kepada RM4.31 seliter;
(ii) harga runcit petrol RON95 kekal pada paras RM2.05 seliter; dan
(iii) harga runcit diesel kekal pada paras RM2.15 seliter.
Bagi melindungi pengguna daripada kesan kenaikan harga sebenar minyak di pasaran global, Kerajaan mengekalkan harga runcit petrol RON95 pada paras harga siling RM2.05 seliter dan diesel RM2.15 seliter, sungguhpun harga pasaran sebenar bagi kedua-dua produk telah meningkat melebihi paras harga siling yang telah ditetapkan, sepertimana yang dapat dilihat pada harga runcit petrol RON97 yang ditetapkan mengikut harga pasaran.
Kerajaan juga akan terus memantau kesan perubahan harga minyak mentah dunia serta mengambil langkah yang bersesuaian bagi memastikan kebajikan dan kesejahteraan rakyat terus terpelihara.