Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ), the road transport department, reopened all offices today nationwide. The Kuala Lumpur branch was shown to have a lengthy queue building up outside the headquarters before it opened up at 8am. Social distancing was observed by some in the queue, and JPJ required those entering to wear face masks. Additionally, those entering the premises were required to have their temperatures checked. Hand sanitizer was provided.

The offices are opened 7 days a week, and their opening hours that look like this:
Weekdays: 8am to 4pm
Weekends: 8am to 1pm (cashless transactions only)
Weekends and weekdays vary from state to state, for instance in Johor, Friday and Saturday are observed as weekdays. This 7-day work week is being enforced to clear the backlog of transactions that has built up since JPJ closed in mid March 2020. JPJ will be closed again come Hari Raya Aidilfitri (23-25 May).

On weekends, only cashless payments would be accepted, including certain e-payment apps. You still don’t need to renew your driver’s license or collect your road tax sticker (just show proof of purchase and have valid insurance) until the end of the MCO period.

Here’s the press release with more.
TERKINI : Urusan Kaunter Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia berfungsi sepenuhnya berkuatkuasa 18 Mei 2020, Isnin.
Orang ramai dinasihatkan supaya sentiasa mematuhi prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang ditetapkan semasa berurusan di kaunter-kaunter JPJ seperti :
1. Saringan suhu badan (37.5’c kebawah) di pintu masuk utama premis JPJ
2. Memakai topeng muka dan hidung (face mask)
3. Mengamalkan penjarakan sosial 1 meter
4. Kerap membasuh tangan dan menggunakan hand sanitizer
5. Pembayaran e-payment
6. Menjaga kebersihan dan mencegah penularan wabak COVID-19 adalah tanggungjawab bersama.