Many road users are ignoring traffic lights.
We have been out twice during this COVID-19 lockdown, once for grocery shopping and another trip to buy food. On both trips we noticed many car drivers simply ignoring traffic lights and road rules.
In the past year we have seen many food delivery and motorcycle courier riders ignoring traffic lights to deliver their food and packages faster so as to earn more money with more trips. This was already a hazard for them and also the other road users who had to avoid them and even some had bumper to bumper accidents trying to stop in time.
Now, during lockdown, we see car drivers breaking the law and ignoring traffic light signals and this is very dangerous.
We strongly suggest drivers to start using their horns when approaching green and even yellow traffic lights as the motorcycle rider or driver on the other side might be ignoring their red light.
Also, please be extra careful when driving across a junction, any junction as the driver on the other side might just be speeding along without a care for the traffic light. We saw this twice on our journey and we were lucky as we were driving slowly.
Malaysians, are not used to blaring their car horns like drivers in Indonesia and India but it is time we start actively using this piece of equipment that comes as standard with our vehicles.

Next time you take a drive, please test to hear if your car horn is working. If it is not working then you need to visit your workshop to fix or replace it.
Even though this part of the car gets a lot of use, it is usually overlooked until there is an issue with it. The car horn is used to alert other motorists to your presence or to get their attention when they are traveling to close to you on the roadways.
The horn on a car is normally located in the center of the steering wheel for easy access. A horn is built to last for the life of the car, but there are instances where this is not the case. Just like any other electrical component on a car, there will times when a car horn will need replacing due to corrosion or even bad wiring. Having the assistance of a mechanic to replace your vehicle’s horn will definitely make it less stressful for you. There is also a fuse that regulates the amount of power that the horn will get. If there are issues with the horn working, the first thing that you have to check is the fuse. If the fuse is not working as it should, then it will be hard for the battery to get the power that it needs.

Another very common issue that will cause a horn to stop working is corrosion on the end of the horn that is on the battery of the car. If the connections are corroded, then a good connection will not be made. The only way to fix this issue is by taking the time to clean the corroded terminals and place them back on the battery.
The following are some of the things that you may notice when it is time to have your horn replaced:
- A very muffled horn sound
- There is no sound when pressing the horn
- The horn will only work on occasion
- Driving around without a horn can be very dangerous, which is why getting it fixed or replaced in a timely manner is essential.