This website that calls themselves a news website and a No.1 social website has used our work as their own. Even giving credit requires permission and the authors name should be included.
We recently published an article on which was shared with our partner on the issues of servicing your car in Malaysia under warranty and this article went viral in so many directions and now some authorised car workshops are being investigated as car owners who are aware of this article are pushing for answers at the authorised workshops.
This is because when warrantied cars are NOT really serviced, after sometime there will be engine damage and when a warranty claim on the engine (which is the heart and most expensive part of the car) is made the car brand will investigate before allowing for a warranty claim.
Now this article of ours has been re-produced word for word on

without our permission. We have emailed them a few days ago and till today they have not responded and they even took the trouble to change the pictures from their earlier generic workshop pictures.

Even the editorial team at have contacted them without a reply.
If you look thru their website you will see made up names being used on each article published. Names used for example are ‘Eclipse’ and ‘TheMermaid’.
If thecoverage were to just ask our permission and give and the author full credit we are happy to allow them to use the content, but this is not the right way.