Did you buy a ‘Lemon’? We would like you to share with us and the rest of our readers the reliability of your newish car……a car which you bought in the last 5 years. What problems have you had, if any and have the problems been fixed or not. We want to address problems from the time you drove your car out of the showroom and with a warranty that is active (this is why 4 to 5-year old cars).
Why? Well, many of you have contacted us with your car problems and we seem to see more and more issues cropping up in recent years and hope that with a community information sharing exercise we can assist to address as many problems as possible by motivating better quality and reliability for car buyers in Malaysia and maybe ASEAN.
Hi, DSF,
I’ve been driving my 2013 (July) Kia Forte 1.6 SX until todate, milleague hit 124000km.
Below list of the problems:
1) high beam indicator at meter cluster not function. Although Kia SC did repair, only work for few months and then totally gone.
2) Upper Centre console (clock section) rattling – fixed.
3) front stabilizer link x2- changed after 2 yrs, chargeable.
4) Ignition coil no. 1, changed after 4 yrs +, chargeable. The sign – heavy engine vibrate, jerking when acceleration & engine check light on.
5) Jerking when slowing down at speed 20km/h, happen for 1 yr plus. Kia SC able to find cause and fixed; for now.
Hope the above helps for ur information gathering.
Best Regards,
TQ Lee for the detailed information. Regards