Ducati Scrambler Rolls Out Of Borgo Panigale Factory


Published on December 4th, 2014 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez


Ducati Scrambler Rolls Out Of Borgo Panigale Factory

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With around half a year of teasing and secrecy, the 4 versions of the Ducati Scrambler introduced in the past few months and a dedicated stand at the recent Italian EICMA 2014 motorcycle show, where this Ducati Scrambler was voted as the best-looking bike in the show, this new Scrambler represents the dawn of a new era in Ducati’s history. Earlier rumours that mentioned this Scrambler will be built in Thailand has now been quashed with the first batch of bikes rolling out of the Italian factory.

It’s been 40 years since the last Ducati Scrambler rolled off the assembly line, and many thought that moment was the end of the road. Still, it looks like there only was so much more to this bike than meets the eye. The reborn bike is compared to the very rebirth of Ducati, and the first step on a path which was maybe forgotten, but never abandoned.

Ducati knew there would be massive following for this bike, so a very smart decision was made. Since the Scrambler was anyway associated with a specific lifestyle and represented so much more than a simple motorcycle, Borgo Panigale went ahead and created 4 versions, each addressing the needs and expectations of a slightly different rider. This way, Ducati made sure there were no more reasons for a Scrambler enthusiast to not get one.

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Land of Joy lifestyle concept launched

Ducati is also launching the “Land of Joy” lifestyle concept, with the Scrambler as its centerpiece. Teased for many months with the greed lawn, street music and food and the ever-present yellow container, the new approach is obviously aimed at a young demographic, while not discounting the older riders who still have a young heart.

An internal competition started in June, and its goal was to find the two new ”Franco and Elvira”. The initial Scrambler faces of the ‘70s have been two actual Ducati employees, and the reborn bike obviously needed a new couple. The new Scrambleristi have been chosen by the employees themselves in the persons of Stefano Rendina and Federica Forlani. The first of the new Scramblers will be in European dealerships in late January 2015 and will be an Icon model.

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