BMW will be developing an all-wheel-drive system for their next generation M5 and M6 cars. This was reveled by BMW’s M division chief Dr. Friedrich Nitschke. There have been rumors for many years about the possibility that the M5 and M6 will come in AWD. BMW product planners felt that it had to catch up to its rivals, Mercedes’ AMG and Audi’s RS models which have been offering AWD in their lineup for a few generations. However, ‘M’ fans have a long time to wait as the M5 AWD and M6 AWD would probably be released only after several years. This technology will be used first on the M5, a year after the release of the next generation 5-series either in 2016 or 2017. Before, the M division had the X5 M and the X6 M. However, the two are based on an all-wheel-drive architecture. Meanwhile, the M5 and M6 are based on a rear-wheel-drive system. Furthermore, Nitschke asserted that the M3 and M4 will maintain their highly impressive rear-wheel-drive architecture.
BMW M5 and M6 To Get 4-Wheel Drive
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