Range Rover is not sitting quiet on the success of their Evoque. They will be releasing a number of variants in the coming years. Insiders said that the approval is likely to be given to a radical Evoque cabrio and an even smaller Range Rover that will be developed to rival the Mini Countryman and the upcoming Audi Q1. However, the Evoque open-top is expected to be the first to arrive, probably in the next three years. It will be based on the three-door Coupe model and instead of a folding metal hood, it will feature a fabric roof. According to design sources, it’s easy to put a folding roof into the rear of the Range Rover. In addition, the design allows for the removal of the roof. Its top engineers said that there likely won’t be considerable revisions to stiffen the body to compensate. An Evoque soft-top will be a major rival to compact German open top cars that currently claim the segment.
Range Rover Evoque Cabrio In 3 Years
Daniel Sherman Fernandez
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